v 2.21.0
- Copilot Agent integration
- Tiles layout branding customization options
- Hide non-labeled items settings performance improvements
- Adjust filter dropdown options to wrap long content
- Add import configuration button to Configuration Wizard
- Allow selection of boards to import
- Allow Common board/Personal board selection during import in Teams Personal App / Viva Connections.
- Ability to assign custom Power Apps action to an item, or selection of items
- Vanity domains support
Bug Fixes
- Unclassified groups rendered incorrectly with more than one taxonomy grouping level present
v 2.20.1
- Clear App Cache button added to Settings > Navigator 365 Configuration to remove any Navigator 365 browser level cache
- Support for legacy Tasks and Issues content types
Bug Fixes
- Intermittent issue with rendering not all subsite items
v 2.20.0
- Navigator 365 Viva Connections card to open Navigator 365 Personal app
- Navigator 365 (with boards) Viva Connections card to show the list of available boards for current user and open Navigator 365 Personal app on specific board
- Common boards may be created by administrators for specific audiences, to be available in Personal app.
- Full support of SharePoint section backgrounds.
- Target Audience settings to show specific board for the target audience only
- Improvements for mobile experience
- Update app to SharePoint Framework version 1.18.2
- Finnish localization added
Bug Fixes
- Current team and Selected teams option fails in configuration wizard
- Accessing settings of channel app not working in new Teams
v 2.19.4
- Open video and audio files in Microsoft Stream by default
- Open documents directly in Microsoft Teams app on mobile devices
- Open documents directly in new Microsoft Teams Desktop app, instead of the browser
v 2.19.3
- Folder search performance improvements
Bug Fixes
- Health check showing SharePoint lists when configured for documents only
- Search queries using SiteId managed property does not always return expected results. Using NormSiteId instead.
v 2.19.2
Bug Fixes
- German localization does not load due to an issue with language file
v 2.19.1
- Search Health Check supports lists/document libraries not present in search index
v 2.19.0
- Search Health Check step is now available in Configuration Wizard when selecting specific SharePoint sites or current site
- Configuration wizard site selection dropdown performance improvements
v 2.18.4
Bug Fixes
- Refiners configuration Save button always disabled (bug introduced in 2.18.3)
v 2.18.3
- Caching improved with the default cache timeout of 15 minutes
- Caching timeout setting added to Settings > Navigator 365 Configuration > Cache timeout
- Empty / Not empty option is now available for most filters / refiners (accessible by pressing the down arrow on the right from the filter name)
- Video length info is shown for video files when in Preview Tiles display mode
- New Taxonomy Hierarchy display template for refiners
Bug Fixes
- Error may arise when upgrading app with the default List View configuration
- Site collection name may be rendered incorrectly when sub sites present
v 2.18.2
Bug Fixes
- Switching display modes may freeze when using view without grouping
v 2.18.1
- Created and Modified filters values formatting updated to "D MMM YYYY"
v 2.18.0
- New Preview Tiles display mode
- Support List Items search
- Rebranding / renaming Grouped List layout as List View due to expanded functionality
- Rebranding / renaming Groups layout as Tiles due to expanded functionality
- New List View configuration preset
- Expanded list view capability - define columns based on managed properties
- Ability to remove grouping completely (available under Views & Grouping)
- Adding Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian and Danish localizations
Bug Fixes
- While in Modern Teams app fails to open documents
v 2.17.2
Bug Fixes
- "Cannot read properties of undefined" error after upgrading to 2.17.1
v 2.17.1
- Share button is now available in the document panel
- Share button may be configured to show in document tile
- Custom ordering for the top level groups is available in layout settings
v 2.17.0
- Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Swedish and Ukrainian language support
- Search option for filters/refiners
- Hovering over Created by / Modified by fields render out of the box people card
- Versioning link is available directly from document property pane
- Managed property grouping icon selection from the visual list of icons
- SPFx (SharePoint Framework) upgrade to 1.17.2
v 2.16.4
- Optimized caching system for better performance
- Use compact scientific notation to round up number of available items when more than 10,000. This feature improves user experience when the number of results fluctuates due to the nature of SharePoint Search technology
- Search by the file name feature expanded to support 500+ items
- Sort folders/groups settings added for reverse alphabetical ordering of groups and folders
- Introduced new refiners: Externally Viewable and Anonymously Viewable
Bug Fixes
- Configuration Settings import feature broken in 2.16.3
v 2.16.3
- Always Load Search Wizard configuration option added (improves loading speed for large datasets)
- Subscription expiration date is added to the About section
- Hide search box when query is passed in URL setting allows to control the visibility of the search box when search parameter is passed in URL
- Maximum number of items to allow displaying search results setting added
- Caching system updated to support page copies
- General initial loading performance improvements
v 2.16.2
- Initial loading performance improved for large datasets
v 2.16.1
- Show document in a folder feature (available in Settings > Documents)
- Open in Office apps feature (available in Settings > Documents)
- Open PDF in browser feature (available in Settings > Documents)
v 2.16.0
- Folder Search document library extension added
- Folder Search extension activation button added to Settings panel
- Folder Search extension activation step is added to Configuration Wizard
Title, Versioning, Content Type fields added to document panel
Skip top level feature logic enhanced
v 2.15.9
- Folder filter/refiner is trimmed based on initial search configuration
- Close button added for folder filter/refiner panel
v 2.15.8
- Folder search functionality is added in Folder filter and Search Wizard
v 2.15.7
- Document type selection is now available during search source configuration, with the following options: All, Documents, Pages, News, Videos, Images
v 2.15.6
- Duplicates detection feature disabled due to deprecated Microsoft Search API.
- Target Audience grouping option added
- Target Audience refiner support
- Target Audience property pane support
Bug Fixes
- Links ".url" document processed incorrectly for Site Pages library
v 2.15.5
- Target Audience support
- Free version performance improvements
v 2.15.4
- Trial Registration Screen shows up before Configuration Wizard
v 2.15.3
- Web Part Configuration Export and Import
- Number of Views property is included in Export to Excel report when Documents > Show views count setting is on
v 2.15.2
- Search wizard first load performance improved
- Filter panel settings renamed to Search & filter panel settings
- Filename and Path refiners/filters added to default configuration
Bug Fixes
- Filter/refiner setting allows to skip save action, causing user confusion
- Configuration Wizard titles may be partially hidden
v 2.15.1
Bug Fixes
- Search and filter toolbar hidden due to SPFx 1.13 upgrade
v 2.15.0
- Update to SharePoint Framework 1.13
- Allow to download group of documents in archived format (up to 30)
v 2.14.4
- Hide sorting and ordering options for Text and Single Date filters/refiner
Bug Fixes
- Videos bitrate calculated and titled incorrectly
v 2.14.3
- New Text and Single Date refiner templates
- Video documents opened using Office 365 preview by default
- Disable Skip level feature for All SharePoint sites source
Bug Fixes
- Removing refiner from settings when data refined using the same refiner trigger exception
v 2.14.2
- Home site Folders refiner performance improvements
Bug Fixes
- Disabling folders refiner is not saved
- Folder Filtering fails for some folders/document libraries
v 2.14.1
- Full Text search is set to be used by default for any new board
Bug Fixes
- Search Wizard Native Mobile Teams app layout updated
v 2.14.0
- Rename "Tags" refiner to "All Tags"
- "All Tags" refiner shows tags grouped by managed property / field name
- Increased the maximum number of refiner values from 100 to 1,000
- Custom search results page support
v 2.13.2
- New Tags refiner is available by default - allowing to filter documents by managed metadata (taxonomy) tagging
Bug Fixes
- "Multi-column with Search" preset applied incorrectly
- Preset property title "Show Search Wizard" is missing
v 2.13.1
- When navigating between boards search restarted automatically
- Default view is set to "All Documents"
- "Multi-column with Search" is set as default preset in SharePoint
Bug Fixes
- Trial registration page not loading properly
- Selected filters formatting issue when many filters selected
- Mobile version touch behavior
v 2.13.0
- Folders filter/refiner added
- Skip top level(s) feature adjusted to activate for the single site and single team only.
Bug Fixes
Folders source selection adjusted to render up to 2,000 folders per site
v 2.12.0
- Search Wizard implementation
v 2.11.0
- Ability to skip top level(s) of the hierarchy if the level contains single group
- Render root level folder of the search source on the same level of hierarchy as subfolders if there is a single top level group with “Folder” grouping type
Bug Fixes
OneNote files are located in the root of the library instead of appropriate folder
Issues when selecting multiple filters in Filter panel
v 2.10.1
Support for tenancies without Microsoft Teams license
Bug Fixes
Clicking on Reindex, Delete Board, Delete View does nothing (Chromium-related issue)
v 2.10.0
Refine wizard and configuration behavior to allow sub sources selection: channels, document libraries, folders
Change search experience to require clicking search button or pressing Enter to initiate search
Sensitive Information Types update
- Due to various technical limitations, IE11 support has been discontinued.
Bug Fixes
Alert is shown when opening SharePoint page from Navigator
Incorrect grouping behavior when document library’s default view has modified Title
v 2.9.1
Add views count to document tile
Mobile devices UI update: content should be always rendered as Groups, switch between Groups and Grouped List should be hidden from the Command Bar
Bug Fixes
Document preview doesn’t work on iOS (Native Teams app, Native SharePoint app, Safari)
iOS: download button behaves incorrectly in native SharePoint and Teams apps
- Content is not scrolling in iOS Native Teams app
v 2.9.0
Outlook Add-in Preview
v 2.8.2
Bug Fixes
Modern links: http:// links don’t work
v 2.8.1
Update “Too many Items” notification
Update Document Settings section items
Bug Fixes
When view settings are accessed directly, board settings are wrongly overridden
Default state for “Show link to details view” for Groups is not working
- Navigator displays nothing if there are no items to display and “Refresh” button is clicked
v 2.8.0
Add Path property to the document’s card
Verify API permissions during app initialization
Rename all Navigator settings starting with “Hide” to “Show”
- Change refresh UI when Refresh button is pressed
Add support for modern links
Add additional configurations to control when various links/icons are shown for group tiles and documents
Bug Fixes
Sometimes links to teams/channels don’t work
Apply preset function stoped working
- Duplicate refiners error out
v 2.7.3
Bug Fixes
“Browse to the team” and “Browse to the channel” behavior is incorrect when Navigator is hosted on SharePoint page
“Browse to the channel folder” doesn’t work for subfolders
Navigator fails when small number of documents is displayed
v 2.7.2
Initial Loading performance improvements
User-friendly display name for Managed Metadata and Enterprise Keywords refiners
Add new column type for the grouping by Managed Property - Enterprise Keywords
Bug Fixes
Some documents are missing if the first level of grouping is set to Site
v 2.7.1
Update views selection in wizard based on presets
- Update Single Column Preset to expand all groups by default
Bug Fixes
Reindex fails on Site Collection level in Teams tab
- Site Collection Card: description field has never been loaded
- Items limit warning shows incorrectly when selecting views in the wizard
v 2.7.0
Revised Settings panel for better user experience
Add “Show Expand All button” setting
Add Presets to quickly configure Navigator for commonly used scenarios
Add settings to show/hide different types of warnings
v 2.6.1
Bug Fixes
Navigator fails on Hub Sites data source selection when hub site has no corresponding URL
v 2.6.0
Refine Wizard for better user experience
- Rebrand Navigator to Navigator 365
Update to SharePoint Framework 1.11
Promote Navigator 365 to Office AppSource
Bug Fixes
Export to Excel and document download don’t work in MS Teams
v 2.5.1
Add “Query additional managed properties” setting to Search configuration (workaround for the issue related to the following UserVoice - https://sharepoint.uservoice.com/forums/329214-sites-and-collaboration/suggestions/40890712-sharepoint-highlighted-content-webpart-managed-pro, which breaks taxonomy based grouping)
- Retain the state/cache after Board/View renaming
Update item limit warning
v 2.5.0
Ability to switch between Filename and Full Text search
- Expand/collapse performance improvements
Provide more granular default Group By settings based on data source selection in Wizard
- Add “Send Error Diagnostic Data” setting
Display “open in SharePoint” note for List/Document Library and Folder cards
- Enhance Refiners experience to be similar with Document Library filter panel
Allow to display Web Part Title in SharePoint
Bug Fixes
Expand icon in “Showing M from N” message should be removed
Rename View Title dialog text box doesn’t react on mouse events
- Lookup Column with Date type is displayed as plain text
Correct spelling for “Sort items by” label
v 2.4.2
Bug Fixes
Personal App may not work on some tenants
v 2.4.1
Ability to initiate search reindex: Navigator source, Hub site, Team, Site collection, Site, Document Library
Add Filter option for the Search Source on the Board Settings panel
Bug Fixes
“Settings are not saved” message is displayed when no changes were made
IE 11: hover over board name doesn’t work
v 2.4.0
Enable users to expand all levels under selected group
Add notifications if settings for View or Board have been changed and are not saved
Change default click behavior: Expand/Collapse a group on group tile click, open document preview on document tile click
Improve IE 11 performance
Bug Fixes
Tooltip for Close button of Board/View Settings panel is positioned incorrectly
v 2.3.0
Dark and custom themes support for SharePoint
Additional sorting options: Recently added/updated, Modified date, by Contributor
Bug Fixes
IE 11: Hover style is incorrect when zoom is applied
Setting Freeze Filter Pane to No doesn’t take effect in Teams
When updating Group By Managed Property Settings and trying to delete (by typing) Property Name, it returns the original value back
Unclassified groups should be ordered last by default
v 2.2.1
Bug Fixes
IE 11: hover over tile leads to title offset
When all command bar items are hidden, space is still allocated
IE 11: group tile actions are not shown
"Cannot read property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined" error when selecting "Selected sites" data source
- Navigator should correctly support page sections' background-color
v 2.2.0
Ability to display actual Title of List or Document Library instead of Path
Bug Fixes
IE 11: Loading issues
Handlebars.js is not used
In Teams Personal Tab, user does not have options to configure the Navigator app
Configuration Wizard is truncated on small screen resolutions
v 2.1.0
Display site URL in site’s tile if site name has not been set
Document Card: after editing the item redirect back to Navigator
Allow hiding Refresh command
Allow hiding Board title
Allow hiding Download command from document’s tile
Add All Documents view to OneDrive board
Display “Switch to Edit Mode” message when Navigator has not been configured and Page/Tab is in “Read” mode
Bug Fixes
Preview for .xls and .doc files doesn’t work in SharePoint
Preview doesn’t work in Personal App if the document is located on a subsite
v 2.0.2
Display available view in the context menu when hovering over the board’s name
Bug Fixes
Navigator behaves incorrectly when there are multiple Navigator web parts on the page
Navigator error out when navigating between pages using Megamenu
- Retention Label Applied field is displayed in a text format instead of date
v 2.0.1
- Disabling Expand/Collapse all button instead of hiding
Bug Fixes
Lookup fields are not shown up in Document Card
Navigator is not loading as a Personal App when installed for the first time
v 2.0.0
Two-level navigation: Data Source as a “board”, tabs as “views” for the same “board”
Setting to hide Export to Excel command
- All Teams as a source option
v 1.10.0
- MS Teams Dark Mode support
v 1.9.0
- Group By: any retrievable Managed Property
Bug Fixes
Navigator fails in IE 11 and Firefox Private Mode
Entity Card header alignment looks incorrectly
v 1.8.0
- Updated App installation mechanism
Bug Fixes
Document card moves to the center of the screen on small resolution displays
List/Document Library card displayed incorrectly when there is a Taxonomy grouping
v 1.7.0
- Export to Excel
Bug Fixes
Renamed channels are displayed with the old name
Private Channel Card is displayed as “Shared Folder”
Navigator shows old results when changing search source and applying refiners
By Contributor tab misses “By Contributor” grouping
v 1.6.1
Bug Fixes
- Stability Improvements
v 1.6.0
- Sensitive Information Type auto-classification grouping and refiner
Bug Fixes
- After adding and deleted Navigator web part in the same editing session on the page grouping duplicates
v 1.5.2
- Ability to enable logging to console
- Document Card: Show Asset ID and Item is a record if applicable
Bug Fixes
- Stability fix: Navigator fails if Group By contains 2+ Metadata Hierarchy levels
Inconsistency in the user’s display name
- Entity Card: entity card for Unclassified term is hanging
v 1.5.1
- Stability Improvements
v 1.5.0
- Hub Site(s) as a Search Source
- Custom Search Source to provide direct links to document libraries and folders
Hub Site as a Group By option
“Current Site” Search Source option for Navigator as a SharePoint Web Part
Sensitivity Labels: Refiners and Group By option
Ability to filter out unclassified items: non-tagged, not labeled, not in a hub site
Bug Fixes
Duplicates filter (dropdown in the panel) is visible even if there are not duplicates found
List/Folder Card - errors for lists and folders from subsites
v 1.4.0
- New display mode: Grouped list (grid)
Show NEW/UPD flag in document’s card
Bug Fixes
Filter by duplicate doesn’t respect “Ignore document’s title” setting
Configuration wizard: warning items are disappearing when renaming the tabs
v 1.3.0
Showing documents' duplicates
Open .aspx page in a separate tab instead of showing a preview
Ability to relaunch configuration wizard to bulk add of tabs
UI: display groups (tiles) actions (Open in Teams, Open in SharePoint, etc.) on hover
Make tabs' names unique
Bug Fixes
Document Cards UI: incorrect actions' icons alignment for documents with long titles
Entity Cards UI: header looks incorrectly in mobile apps
Request a quote notification UI: the notification looks incorrectly in mobile apps
v 1.2.0
Retention Labels support - refiners, grouping, display in document card
Sensitivity Labels support - display in document, site and team card
- Propagate icons for more file types. Example: .pbix (Power BI) files
Bug Fixes
Personal App is failing if a user doesn’t have permissions to the root site collection
v 1.1.1
Bug Fixes
Personal App: cannot finish the Configuration Wizard after deleting all tabs
- Tab state is not restored after document preview in Teams Desktop app
A trial version information message is cropped in Teams Desktop app
v 1.1.0
New Search Source: OneDrive
Support for Microsoft Teams Personal App
Ability to define columns count for each user
Ability to delete all tabs and launch the configuration wizard
Bug Fixes
Open in SharePoint doesn’t work for Root-level site collection
Site Card: Recycle Bin button navigates to Admin recycle bin instead of the standard one
Conversation button is not visible in file preview
Navigator is crashing when changing refiner’s settings
Document Card: the card is never loaded if the author or editor user is deleted from Azure AD
Two “Request quote” messages are displayed in Settings Mode for expired version
When new Navigator web part is added to SharePoint page the Configuration Wizard overlaps other web parts
Navigator display incorrect results for Teams with '-' in name
v 1.0.5
Configuration: Selected SharePoint Sites dropdown is sorted by site name
Configuration: ability to hide Search & Filter pane
Configuration: ability to unfreeze Search & Filter pane
Quick links (open in Teams, open in SharePoint, etc.) are added to Entities Cards
Provide the ability to edit documents metadata from Document Card
Provide Navigator hints in SharePoint Framework Property Pane
Bug Fixes
Selected SharePoint Sites - some sites are missing
Navigator fails in IE
Subsites are displayed as Teams with no Open in SharePoint link
When a document is deleted/renamed but still present in Search Index - its Document Card never finished loading
v 1.0.4
Configuration: Dropdown instead on multiline text for Selected SharePoint Sites option
More user-friendly error handling
OneDrive documents preview when working with Navigator in SharePoint
Settings: Group By → Channel (Folder) → Display Document Library (List) title as a separate level of hierarchy got additional option Auto
Bug Fixes
Title of Team (Site Collection) group levels is incorrect when all the documents are located in subsites
When clicking on a preview for a document with no preview available, there is no way to close it and return back to Navigator
No way to completely remove filters if they were set previously
v 1.0.3
Configuration: additional setting to exclude standard SharePoint libraries like Site Assets
Support for renamed channels
Entities details cards: entity type icons are added to the card
Performance updates
v 1.0.1
Improvements for Private Channels
Site/Site Collection grouping improvement - root site is not included as a separate grouping level
v 1.0.0
Initial Release
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